Bridging Loans Sector Growing Fast

Bridging Loans Sector Growing Fast

The Council of Mortgage Lenders has again released figures showing that annual bridging lending has increased by 25% and now stands at around £2.5bn per year. Bridging loans are becoming widely accepted as a tool for accepting clients’ short-term funding needs. The main advantage of bridging loans is that they can be arranged quickly when the client’s need is particularly urgent.

Bridging finance deals are often arranged at a fast pace, so a client needs to be sure they are getting good advice. It is important that when talking to a lender, an answer can be given right away, which is why speaking to a specialist bridging loan adviser is best. The increase in prevalence of bridging leads has led to a growing number of specialist brokers for this market. Some mortgage brokers will try to service the deal themselves, while others will pass the inquiry onto a specialist.