Bad Credit Loans
When you miss or make a late payment, it is reflected on your credit report. This might make obtaining a substantial loan harder in the future. Lenders may classify you as a high-risk borrower with a low credit score if you have previously demonstrated a pattern of late payments on a mortgage, credit card, or other financial obligations, such as a phone contract. As a result, your possibility of obtaining an unsecured loan has substantially decreased. If you have missed a few payments due to circumstances beyond your control, you may still be able to look into other suitable financing choices.
Nevertheless, interest rates and loan amounts offered by a specific lender may be affected. As a leading loan specialist, we take a personalised approach to lending and strive to offer competitive borrowing options to all potential customers, even those who have faced difficulties obtaining assistance from other lenders.
Bad credit loans for UK homeowners
We firmly believe in offering second chances to individuals, regardless of their credit history. Even if you have a poor credit score, you can still apply for our highly competitive secured homeowner loans. Your chances of approval remain favourable, assuming you have adequate equity in the property you are using as security.
As long as you meet the criteria of being a UK resident, aged 18 or older, and have a mortgage or outright ownership of your home, our team of online loan experts will readily assist you in finding the most suitable loan option based on your desired borrowing amount and repayment capacity.
What can my bad credit loan be used for?
Once approved, you can use a secured bad credit loan for any legal reason you see fit. If you are seeking financial assistance for home improvements, debt consolidation, a dream vacation, or a wedding, our bad credit loan options ranging from £15,000 to £250,000 can be used for any purpose you desire. If you possess a negative credit history and wish to explore borrowing possibilities, our team of FCA-regulated advisors is available to provide guidance and address your specific requirements.