How Does a Closed Bridging Loan Work?

How Does A Closed Bridging Loan Work?

How Does a Closed Bridging Loan Work?

In the fast-paced world of property transactions, unforeseen circumstances can arise, requiring quick and flexible financial solutions. This is where closed bridging loans come into play. They act as a temporary bridge, providing the necessary funds to “bridge the gap” between buying a new property and selling your existing one. But how exactly do closed bridging loans work? Let’s delve into the details:

1. Fixed repayment date:

Unlike open bridging loans, which offer more repayment flexibility, closed bridging loans have a predetermined repayment date. This date is typically aligned with the expected completion date of your property sale, ensuring the loan is fully repaid before it becomes due.

2. Defined loan amount and interest:

Based on your specific needs and the property value, the lender will determine a fixed loan amount along with the interest rate. This provides transparency and allows you to plan your finances effectively.

3. Security against an asset:

Closed bridging loans are typically secured against an asset, most commonly the property you are buying. This means if you fail to repay the loan, the lender has the right to repossess the property to recoup their funds.

4. Application process:

The application process for a closed bridging loan typically involves:

· Submitting a formal application:

This includes detailed information about your financial situation, the properties involved, and your exit strategy (plan to repay the loan).

· Providing supporting documents:

Documents such as property valuations, proof of income, and sale agreements for your existing property may be required.

· Undergoing credit checks:

The lender will assess your creditworthiness to determine your eligibility and suitability for the loan.

5. Exit strategy is key:

A crucial aspect of securing a closed bridging loan is demonstrating a clear and realistic exit strategy. This involves convincing the lender that you have a concrete plan to repay the loan by the predetermined date. This plan could involve:

· Confirmed sale of your existing property:

Having a buyer lined up with a confirmed sale agreement strengthens your application.

· Alternative funding secured:

If the sale of your existing property takes longer than expected, having alternative funding options in place, such as remortgaging your current property, can improve your chances of approval.

6. Advantages of closed bridging loans:

· Faster access to funds:

Compared to traditional mortgages, closed bridging loans can provide quicker access to funding, which is crucial for securing a new property before it goes off the market.

· Potentially lower interest rates:

As the repayment date is fixed and the loan is secured against an asset, closed bridging loans may offer competitive interest rates compared to open bridging loans.

· Structured repayment plan:

Knowing the exact repayment date and total amount allows for better financial planning and budgeting.

7. Disadvantages of closed bridging loans:

· Less flexibility:

Compared to open bridging loans, closed bridging loans offer less flexibility in terms of repayment dates.

· Potential pressure to sell:

If unforeseen circumstances delay the sale of your existing property, you may face pressure to sell quickly to repay the loan by the fixed deadline.

· The exit strategy is critical:

The inability to demonstrate a credible exit strategy can significantly hinder your chances of securing a closed bridging loan.


In conclusion, closed bridging loans can be a valuable tool in property transactions, especially when speed and certainty are crucial. However, carefully considering the fixed repayment date, potential risks, and suitability for your specific circumstances is essential before making a decision.

It’s important to remember that consulting with a financial advisor and comparing offerings from different lenders before committing to a closed bridging loan is vital.